Fleeting Dreams and Possessive Dybbuks: On Dreams and Possession in Jewish and Other Cultures | Mandel Scholion Research Center

Fleeting Dreams and Possessive Dybbuks: On Dreams and Possession in Jewish and Other Cultures

Edited by: Rachel Elior, Yoram Bilu, Yair Zakovitch, Avigdor Shinan. Jerusalem: Magnes Press. 2013

This book is dedicated to a comprehensive study of two subjects: crossing the boundaries between earth and heaven, between the visible and invisible realm. The first subject - dreams and their meanings in the literature of the classical world. The second subject - ghosts, daemons and haunting possessions in the culture of the Jewish culture and other religions.  In twenty one articles the authors spread for the reader a diverse and Multidisciplinary image which shows how human beings have been attempting to peer behind the curtain and to give a lingual-literal expression to the experience of meeting unreachable worlds.