Edit Doron is a professor in the Linguistics Department and the Language, Logic and Cognition Center in the Faculty of Humanities at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She was appointed to the Hebrew University in 1985, after being awarded a PhD in Linguistics from the University of Texas at Austin in 1983, and a post-doctoral fellowship at Stanford University in 1984-85. She taught as a guest professor at the 1994 Linguistic Society of America Summer School in Ohio State University, and at the Linguistics Department of the University of California at Santa-Cruz in 1998-99. She was President of the Israel Association for Theoretical Linguistics in 2008-2010, and is currently co-director of the joint Hebrew University and Tel-Aviv University structured Linguistics PhD program, and co-editor of several international Linguistics journals. She has published articles on the interface of semantics, morphology and syntax, particularly such topics as the Semitic verbal system, nominal predicates, the subject-predicate relation, resumptive pronouns, ergativity, ellipsis, free indirect discourse, habituality, the semantics of voice, definiteness, and reference to kinds. The main languages she has worked on are Hebrew (with special emphasis on the historical ties of Modern Hebrew to Classical Hebrew), Arabic, Aramaic, English and French.