Dikla Rivlin Katz is currently a second year doctoral student in the department of History of the Jewish People and Contemporary Jewry at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
She is writing her dissertation on local Jewish identity in Palestine from before World War 1 until 1948 in Israel, under the title "From the Ottoman to Israeli space: National consciousness and spatial identity of Eliyahu Eliachar" under the supervision of Dr. Dimitry Shumsky. Dikla is a research fellow of "I-CORE" - the Israeli Centers for Research Excellence.
Dikla completed her undergraduate studies in Jewish History and international relations and graduated with honors a Master’s degree in Contemporary Jewry (2014), both at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She wrote her MA thesis on Continuity and Change in the image of the Arab-Palestinian in Israeli society, in order to examine changes in identity in Israeli society during the period between the First Lebanon War to the Oslo process. She graduated with honors. For this work she received an award from the "Yad Ben Zvi" Institute, and a scholarship as a research fellow at the “Cherrick Center for the study of Zionism” and at the department of History of the Jewish People and Contemporary Jewry at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.