Ward is a Ph.D student in the Department of General and Comparative Literature. He completed his B.A. and M.A. in the Department of General and Comparative Literature at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His research interests revolve around exile, memory-making, and exile in mass tragedies. His Master’s thesis aimed to comprehend the nuanced portrayal of individual and collective Palestinian identity formation in exile, as represented in the works of Edward Said and Mahmoud Darwish. His chapter, "The Jewish Other and Palestinian Identity" in the volume June 1967 in Personal Stories of Palestinians and Israelis (Göttingen University Press: 2022), explored how Palestinian testimonies of the Six-Day War redefined the meaning of the 1948 War in psychological terms. His forthcoming article, "Palestinianizing the Arabic Language: Poeticizing Palestinian Traumatic Memory" (to be published by Zochrot as part of the research group "Nakba and Health"), explores the way that Palestinian poetry de-aestheticizes the Arabic language while expressing traumatic engagement with memories. Ward's doctoral dissertation, written under the supervision of Prof. Yoav Rinon and Dr. Daniel Behar, explores the reception of Holocaust memory in Palestinian literature and the making of Nakba memory as a narrative of exile. Over the past four years, he has taught various courses at the Hebrew University, mainly "Academic Writing" and "Twentieth-Century Literary Theories."