Group seminar 'Liturgy and Arts': Uri Jacob and Dr. Yossi Maurey (group members only) Thu, 14/06/201812:30-14:00Location: room 540
Group seminar 'Liturgy and Arts': lecture by Alexander Valera (group members only) Thu, 07/06/201812:30-14:00Location: room 540
Monthly Seminar: lecture by Prof. Ophir Münz-Manor from The open University, guest of 'Liturgy and Art' Group Thu, 17/05/201812:30-14:00Location: room 540
Group seminar 'Liturgy and Arts': lecture by Prof. David Ganz (open to the public): Excarnation and Inlibration: The Paradox of Treasure Bindings Sun, 29/04/201812:30-14:00Location: room 540
Group seminar 'Liturgy and Arts': lecture by Dr. Giovanni Gasbarri (group members only) Mon, 19/03/201812:30-14:00Location: room 540
Group seminar 'Liturgy and Arts': Netta Amir (group members only) Wed, 21/02/201810:15Location: room 540
Group seminar 'Liturgy and Arts': lecture by Prof. Amy Remensnyder from Brown University (group members only) Thu, 08/06/201712:30-14:00Location: 540
This Week in Scholion: 'Liturgy and Arts' group lecture given by Prof. Amy Remensnyder from Brown University (open to the public) Wed, 07/06/201716:30-18:00Location: 530
Group seminar 'Liturgy and Arts': lecture by Avia shemesh (group members only) Thu, 25/05/201712:30-14:00Location: Room 540, Mandel Bldg, Mount Scopus Campus
Group seminar 'Liturgy and Arts': lecture by Prof. Zaza Skhirtladze from Tbilisi State University (group members only) Thu, 11/05/201712:30-14:00Location: Room 540, Mandel Bldg, Mount Scopus Campus